Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ancestry DNA Results!

I recently took the Ancestry DNA test and received my results back.  The whole process was very quick for me.  I bought the kit on November 24th and received it on December 4th.  I mailed the test back on December 5th.  My results came back on December 26th.  I have a lot of research so I was looking to validate what I have and find out more specifically my ethnicity. 

The results aligned with the research I have uncovered.  There is Irish on both my Mom's mom side and my Dad's mom side so the 48% Ireland/Scottish/Wales matches up.  I also enjoy getting the matches to others that have taken the test, a few I have already been in contact with or have used their trees to help fill out my own information.

Interested in purchasing your own kits, use my link for $10 off: http://refer.dna.ancestry.com/s/jmcarlson10